Madrid Trademark Fee Reduction Coming to Turkey

Madrid Trademark Fee 1

Madrid Fee Reduction for Turkey

There aren’t a lot of Madrid trademark fee updates this week – only a small inflation adjustment for Madrid Protocol fees for Turkey.


Turkey Madrid Trademark Fee Updates Effective November 2023

Turkey Madrid Trademark Fee

As of November 6, 2023, the amounts of the individual fee payable in respect of Turkey will change. Below are the updates:

  • The first class fee has been reduced from 125 Swiss Francs to 90 Swiss Francs, the second class fee from 35 Swiss Francs to 25 Swiss Francs, and the additional class fee from 40 Swiss Francs to 29 Swiss Francs.
  • Renewal fees for any class have been reduced from 113 Swiss Francs to 81 Swiss Francs, making trademark renewals more affordable and cost-effective.

Current Madrid Protocol Fees Can Be Found Here:

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