Prokurio IP Forecaster Updates: August 27th

Keyboard Software Update

This week, we began building out our sharing and visualization tools, starting with our MS Excel export – stay tuned for a lot more coming in this area. We’re also making it easier for firms to work with multiple international firms, fee schedules, and clients. We’ve got one more week of updates in this area, and then we begin work on our new translation cost module. 

Let’s see what changed this week!

IP Forecaster: Improved Excel Export

Improved Excel Export

We have an extensive roadmap of tools planned to help you visualize and share data from IP forecasts. This week, we kicked things off with improvements to our Excel export; it now handles all the new filing routes we now support and multiple countries.

IP Forecaster: Law Firm Selection

Law Firm Selection

Last week, we added the ability to manage multiple firms and fee schedules, this week, we made it easy to leverage all of those fee schedules. Now, when you do a forecast, if there are multiple fee schedules for any of your countries, the firms show in a dropdown for the country. Simply select the firm you want, and their fees are used in the forecast. Don’t want to select a firm? No problem, we always default to the standard fees. 

IP Forecaster: Client-Specific Patent or Trademark Forecasts

Client Specific Forecasts

Last week, we added the ability to create clients and associate them with preferred law firms. This week, we’ve made it easy to create client-specific forecasts. Simply select your client from the dropdown and any forecast you create will use the law firms and fees you have already configured. Want to change things on the fly? Not a problem, you can always select an alternate firm or use the default fees. 

Like this kind of stuff?

Check out all of our other updates this year: 2023 Updates

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