This week, we focused on Client Planner, adding costs for docketing activities to portfolio cost planning estimates. Portfolio plans now automatically recognize whether your client is a small entity or large, making it easy to set up plans. We’ve also improved the accuracy of our claims translation estimates within our IP Estimator.
Check it out!
Client Planner: Docket Import Wizard
You can now import docket entries from your IP Management System into the planner workbench. We also give you control over which docket activities are included, giving you complete control over the forecast.
IP Estimator: Improved Claim Translation Estimates
We now give you the ability to specify the number of pages (or words) of claims when needed for translations, and we can automatically extract the number of words when retrieving data via our public data exchange.
Client Planner: Plans Now Leverage Client Entity Size
In June, we added the ability to store your clients’ fiscal year and entity size, and this week, we updated Client Planner to utilize this information in plans.