Prokurio allows you to apply discounts broadly across all fees or to specific individual phases of the Patent and Trademark lifecycle.
Let’s take one of your clients and apply a ten percent discount to all patent fees applied to their forecasts.
- From your homepage sidebar, click on Custom Fees to expand the menu, then click on {Your Firm Name} Fees.
- In the second (bottom) section labeled {Your Firm Name} Client Fees, find the client you wish to apply the discounts for in the list. Note: to the right of the screen there is a search bar to search the full list by client name.
- Under the Action column by your client (to the right), click on the orange outlined Edit button to open your client maintenance screen.
- On the Client Maintenance screen, Discounts are collapsed by default. Click anywhere in the discounts bar to expand the menu. This will show all of the current discounts you may already have applied that are available for editing or deletion.
- Click on the orange Add Discount button.
- Enter a percentage number of discount (no % is needed, just the number).
- Select what type of fees it applies to from the list of options.
- Click on the Save button to apply the discount going forward on that client’s firm fees. (Note: These discounts do not apply to any fees outside of your law firm fees for this individual client.)
If you need any additional assistance, please contact us at, and we’ll get you the answers you need!