Prokurio has partnered with Minesoft and integrated their vast library of public patents from around the world. Using this integration within IP Forecaster is a seamless easy process with a simple entry of the publication number of the patent information you want to bring into the system.
Let’s take a look at how this works and the time it saves you when you need to run a forecast.
- Starting at your Homepage, you can click on either of the Patents forecast buttons to go into your forecast request screen.
- In the top left of your screen, enter your publication number into the field and then click on the Retrieve button.
- IP Forecaster will immediately download the published patent and fill in multiple data points automatically for you. These include the following:
- Title
- Assignee(s)
- Priority Date
- Starting Point (type of filing it was)
- Total Claims
- Independent Claims
- Number of Pages
- Number of words (for translations that may be needed)
- From here, you simply select your National Phase or Additional countries for your forecast.
- In Settings on the right, you can toggle the phase costs you would like to see in your results.
- Click on the Create Forecast button at the bottom of your screen to see your forecast results.
- At the bottom left of your results screen, you can Save, Edit, Create New as well as Export or email your results as a PDF, Word, or Excel file. Note: Clicking on Edit will take you back to your forecast request screen where all of your data and parameters are still filled in and can be changed as desired.
If you need any additional assistance, please contact us at, and we’ll get you the answers you need!