Updated PCT Patent Fees For Singapore

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A Slow Week of updates to patent fees Updates to patent fees this week are few and far between, a minor update planned for Singapore is all we have to […]

No Patent or Trademark Fee Increases This Week!

vacation travelling

The PTO’s Must Be On Vacation This week was quiet; no significant updates were announced for patent or trademark fee. Our content team isn’t complaining! Check back next week for […]

Patent Fee Updates For Turkey and Egypt

Fee calculator

Here Come the Inflation Adjustments! This week, we get the details behind Turkey’s substantial patent fee and VAT increases and also preview upcoming changes for Egypt. Beginning in October, students […]

PCT Patent Fee Updates: August 5th


Death by a Thousand Small Patent Fee Updates Several patent fee updates were announced this week, but nothing will break your budget. Most were inflation adjustments for PCT searches.  You […]

Patent Fee Updates: July 22

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A slow week for patent fee updates There weren’t a lot of patent fee updates this week, but the PCT applicant guide highlighted a couple of PCT fee updates, so […]

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