No Patent or Trademark Fee Updates this Week

christmas decoration Simple Christmas Decorations pb FEATURED

The Holiday Slowdown Arrives! This week was quiet; no significant updates were announced for patent or trademark fees. Perhaps the PTOs are out holiday shopping? Check back next week for […]

A flood of patent fee updates

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A Flood of Patent Fee Updates WIPO is making up for lost time this fall and has released several hundred patent fee updates in the latest PCT Applicants guide. Most […]

New PCT Fees for Georgia

business idea concept blue table close up hand holding wooden cubes with word new

Georgia PCT Patent Fee Updates This week’s patent updates are limited to some updates for Georgia. Nothing earth-shattering; the PCT Applicant’s Guide was updated to include some updated national filing […]

Italy and EPO PCT Patent Fee Updates

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Italy and EPO PCT Patent Fee Updates We’ve seen a surprisingly small number of patent fee updates this fall, and most of the changes have been minor inflationary adjustments in […]

Georgia and Egypt PCT Patent Fee Updates

business idea concept blue table close up hand holding wooden cubes with word new

Georgia and Egypt PCT Patent Fee Updates This week’s only PCT patent fee updates came from the PCT Applicant’s Guide Update email. International filing fees for Georgia and Egypt are […]

A Light Week for PCT Patent Fees Updates

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A Light Week of PCT Updates After the onslaught of updates last week, we were happy only to see a few small PCT Patent Fees updates this week. In reality, […]

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