Big new trademark cost estimator features coming!

Time update

Trademark application and associate fees
now supported in forecasts

Trademark Cost Estimator Screen Shot

With version 1 of IP Forecaster, trademark clients could only forecast renewal fees. With this release, you can include filing, registration, and associate costs in your forecasts. You can easily select which phase(s) to include in your forecast, making it easy to get exactly the costs you need. In other words, our Trademark Cost Estimator now works… 


Trademark Fees Screen Shot

To support the features of our new Trademark Cost Estimator, our content team has been working hard to collect official trademark fees for applications and registrations in major jurisdictions. You can easily look up PTO fees within our country screen. Each phase of the trademark lifecycle is stored within its own tab. We’ll have complete global coverage by June. 


Trademark Associate Fees Screen Shot

We aren’t just collecting official fees. We also collect associate fees to power our patent and trademark cost estimator to provide average costs for the associate’s activities. You can view all of the fees within the baseline firm section on the sidebar on the left. 


Trademark Custom Associate Fees Screen Shot

You can also now completely customize associate fees or add your own. Simply click the override button and change the fee. You can also create different fees for different associates or create global fees. When you have multiple associates, you will be able to select the agent of choice when doing a forecast. You can also set a default associate to always be used in a country, eliminating the need to select associates. 

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