Prokurio’s Patent Translation Cost Estimator lets you quickly estimate translation costs for a patent application or a specific number of words. If you’ve entered translation costs for international firms, you can easily compare costs across your different firms.
- On the right side of your homepage you will see the Translation Cost Estimator widget.
- Enter a publication number into the lookup field and click Retrieve
- When entering a publication number, be sure to include the country code at the beginning of the number, similar to the example below.
- Prokurio will retrieve the patent application and extract the number of words and pages.
- The title is shown to enable you to verify that you have retrieved the correct application.
- If you don’t have an application, or your application can’t be found, you can manually enter a number of words in the Number of Words field.
- The From Language field is automatically set to your default language—update it as needed.
- In the To Language field, select the target language for translation.
- Estimated translation costs will be automatically shown in a grid at the bottom of the section.
- If you have multiple associates configured with translation costs for your target language, you will see all of them in the translation vendor section.
- If you haven’t set up any translation costs, you will still see the Prokurio standard translation costs, which are an industry average.
- Translation costs are displayed in the default currency that is set in your firm or company settings.
Note: For PCT applications, the search report is included in the number of pages, you can manually adjust the number of words downward if desired.
If you need help setting up firms and their translation costs, check out this article here.
If you need help with patent translation costs, please contact us at, and we’ll get you the answers you need!