Your First Trademark Forecast

IP Forecaster allows you to generate, save, export and email detailed results by jurisdiction for Trademark costs. IP Forecaster will generate cost amounts and breakdowns for the full lifecycle of the trademark including Search, Filing, Registration & Renewals.

You have two primary ways to start a new Trademark Forecast:

  • First, from the dashboard at the top under Create New Forecast, simply click the button labeled “Trademark”. This will take you directly to the Trademark Forecast Request screen.
  • Alternatively, in the sidebar to the left, click on IP Forecaster, then click on Trademarks. This loads the main Trademark Forecasts screen that will show a searchable listing of your saved Trademark Forecasts.
  • Clicking on the orange button labeled “Add Trademark Forecast” will take you directly to the same Trademark Forecast Request screen mentioned above.

Let’s generate a Trademark Forecast of the application filing costs for a US Trademark in 3 classes:

  • From the Trademark Forecast Request screen, select your Starting Point of United States. You can use type-ahead to narrow the list of countries and either arrow to your selection and hit the enter key or click on the country to select it.
  • Now the system has loaded the additional questions needed for the forecast.
  • If you would like to add additional countries or custom groups of countries you may do that as well. . Number of classes is required and must be entered to proceed. Enter 3 in the number of classes field.
  • Lastly, to the right of the screen under settings, is the anticipated application date, cost options (default is include all) and more settings. In this example let’s toggle each cost off so that you only get the filing costs in your forecast results.
  • More settings allows you to set the currency of your forecast, transmission method and the duration (default is Search through Renewal).
  • Click on the Create Forecast button to generate your forecast.
  • Congratulations! You have just completed your first Trademark Forecast. The results generate with a total amount, clicking on the arrow by the country and phases allows you to expand those sections for more details.
  • If you need to make changes, simply click on the Edit button at the bottom to be taken back to the parameters screen.

If you need any additional assistance, please contact us at, and we’ll get you the answers you need!

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