Start Here!

Welcome to Prokurio! #

We want to get you up and running as quickly as possible, so we’ve organized these “Getting Started” topics with speed in mind. Once you get through the five help topics, you’ll know how to do the important tasks, but you can always consult the detailed help guides for a more in-depth explanation.

Getting Started: Video Overview #

Navigating the Help System #

The easiest way to navigate the help system is by using the search bar. Type what you are looking for into the window; your results will be displayed below. Once you find what you are looking for, click on it, and you will be taken to your help article.

help screen shot 2

You can also select articles within the different categories by clicking on them.

What’s in “Getting Started #

Setting up your users: We encourage you to share access to Prokurio with other members of your firm or company. This guide shows you how to invite other team members and set their permissions.

Personalizing your site: Before you start, you’ll want to configure some basic settings to get the most out of the Prokurio platform. This short article explains how to get things set up.

Running your first patent forecast: In this article, we help you create your first basic patent forecast. Once you’ve mastered this, you’ll be ready for more sophisticated international and regional forecasts.

Running your first trademark forecast: This guide walks you through the basic steps to create your first trademark forecast. Afterwards, you’ll be prepared to take on Madrid and multi-country forecasts.

Saving and sharing your forecast: Running a forecast is only the start of the fun! You likely want to share it with someone and make some edits. This article explains your options and shows how to share your forecast results.

Beyond the Basics #

Once you master the basics, we have substantial additional content to help you out. Simply use the search function to find what you are looking for. If you can’t find what you need, contact us at, and we’ll get you the answers you need!

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