IP Forecaster allows you to quickly and easily email your forecast results in PDF, Word or Excel formats to one or multiple people at once.
Let’s take a forecast we have completed and email it to our client for review.
- On your Forecast results screen at the bottom left you will see the Saving and Sharing section.
- Click on the Send by Email button.
- This will open the email popup window.
- Under Export Options, select if you want to send the full detailed report or just a summary page of totals.
- The Anonymize Law firm Fees toggle when active, will change the labels on the detail report of any and all law firm fees from the firm name to “Law Firm Fee”.
- Next, select the format of the report that will be attached to the email (PDF, Word or Excel).
- Enter any and all email addresses of your recipients separated by commas.
- In your message box, you can type any text you would like in the body of the email.
- Subject lines of the emails are automatically generated as follows: “{Your Name} from {Your Company/Firm} has sent you a forecast”
- Click the Send button in the bottom right to send your email.
If you need any additional assistance, please contact us at hello@prokurio.com, and we’ll get you the answers you need!