We should probably mention the Unitary patent
If you work with intellectual property, you’d have to be living under a rock not to know that the new Unitary Patent came into force on the 1st of June. At last count, over a trillion blog articles, white papers, webinars, and assorted guides have attempted to cover every angle, so we will steer clear this week. Anecdotally, nearly everyone we’ve talked to is taking a “wait and see” attitude, so it will probably be a long time before we can judge the long-term impacts. So, let’s talk about trademark fees!
Speak your mind: USPTO Trademark fees (going up)
The public hearing to discuss raising US trademark fees is on Monday the 5th. You can also provide written feedback up until the 12th. If you want to attend remotely, a link will be available at www.uspto.gov/tpac before the hearing.
We aren’t huge fans of fee increases, but the USPTO is currently examining new applications filed between July 26 and August 9th, 2022 – well beyond their target of 8.5 months. Maybe increasing trademark fees will help?
Poof They're gone (oman fees)
To stimulate economic growth, Oman decreased several fees in the first quarter, some significantly. As of May 30th, a group of fees has been eliminated altogether, including the costs for obtaining a copy of the public register, obtaining post-grant copies of patents, and publishing with with the Ministry of Commerce.
You also no longer need to pay a fee to request a license to display instant prizes or sell liquid petroleum gas cylinders, but we’ll save that for another blog post. 🙂
This post is strictly informational and is not considered to be, and should not be relied upon as legal advice. Please consult a qualified attorney for specific advice regarding any intellectual property matters.